How Do You Grieve In A Pandemic? An Interview With Grief Counselor Allison Gary
By Cody Mitts, Licensed Professional Counselor

What does healthy grief look like during a pandemic?
The world is experiencing an unusual and difficult situation with the COVID-19 Pandemic. Things that we normally take for granted simply aren’t possible due to stay at home orders, and many businesses and organizations being shut down.
The difficult part for many people is that normal things in life such as death and grief can’t be put on hold. So the question has to be asked how do you grieve during a pandemic?
Losing someone during this time in the world means that things like a funeral, or family gatherings aren’t possible at a time when it’s needed most.
To answer this question Allison Gary, a grief counselor in Denver, CO talked with Colorado Public Radio about this very problem that many people are facing.
To hear the full podcast click here: ‘How Do You Grieve In A Pandemic’ Interview with Allison Gary
Ways to practice grieving during a pandemic
Here are a few of the highlights of what Allison shared during her interview:
1) Find a way to memorialize the person you lost in way that is meaningful to you. One idea is creating a memory box where you can keep letters, pictures, or other items from your loved one.
2) Engage in an activity that was enjoyed by the person you lost. This type of activity can help you maintain a sense of connection with that person.
3) Do what you need to do in order to grieve. Grief looks different for every person. Taking care of your needs on a day to day basis is important. This can be as simple as taking a walk, watching a comforting tv show, or taking a warm shower. It’s important to allow your emotions to be expressed.
4) Take the time and space that you need to process your feelings. There’s no need to rush through the sadness or shock about the loss you’ve experienced.
5) Don’t stop looking for people who can support you. Allison reminds us that people around you may not know how to respond to your grief. Find the people who can offer you some support even from a distance.
6) Try to remember that healing is possible. It’s easy to forget this during a difficult time. Allison says that with time your grief can get integrated into your life in a less painful way.
Grief counseling in Denver, Colorado
Grief counseling is one way to find support or help dealing with your grief during this difficult time.
Allison provides grief counseling in Denver Colorado, and offers online grief support for individuals and groups.
To learn more or get in contact with Allison call (720) 507-8170 or contact her online by clicking the button below.